Progesterone Receptor, Hormone Therapy, Image Analysis
The techniques of nuclear classification algorithm is used to detect the nuclei in morphological form and size and classify them as positive or negative according to pixel colorization and intensity. Also, tile extraction, color deconvolution, morphological filters, threshold value method,and cell segmentation algorithms are used to develop PR analysis.
The analysis algorithm contains H-DAB colour deconvolution method. To detect negative nuclei H channel, and to detect and classify brown nuclei DAB channel are used. The positive nuclei are classified into three groups according to given threshold values by the user before running the analysis.
[1] Hammond, M. E. H., Hayes, D. F., Dowsett, M., Allred, D. C., Hagerty, K. L., Badve, S., ... & Hicks, D. G. (2010). American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists guideline recommendations for immunohistochemical testing of estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast cancer (unabridged version). Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine, 134(7), e48-e72.