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Image Management System (IMS) - VIRACENTER

Reducing Complexity and Enhances Workflow Efficiency: Virasoft Image Management System (IMS), VIRACENTER 

Virasofts Image Management System VIRACENTER, is a CE-IVD certified, web-based application designed to optimize workflow efficiency.

Our IMS employs advanced algorithms to analyze data from immunohistochemistry studies, streamlining workflows to achieve optimal results. This results in highly accurate and efficient performance with seamless turnaround times, which are critical in the medical field.


VIRACENTER  features a user-friendly interface and offers universal compatibility with all whole slide scanner file formats, such as SVS, NDPI, MRXS, TIFF, DICOM, ISYNTAX, optimizing pathology lab workflows.

Virasoft’s IMS (VIRACENTER) is the preferred choice for digitizing processes in pathology, histology, and microbiology laboratories.

Top Capabilities of VIRACENTER: 

  1. Scanner agnostic IMS
  2. Integration with LIS, HIS, and EMR
  3. Digital consultation
  4. Integrated with 3rd party AI-algorithms
  5. De-identification tool
  6. Customizable case/project lists and screens 
  7. On-cloud, on-premises, hybrid